20100820 MOSQUE map

Map of downtown New York City locates the World Trade Center site, the controversial proposed Islamic center and other institutions and businesses in the neighborhood MCT 2010

With MOSQUE, McClatchy Washington bureau by Willam douglaas

11000000; 12000000; krtfeatures features; krtgovernment government; krtnational national; krtpolitics politics; krtreligion religion; krtworld world; POL; REL; krt; mctgraphic; 12010000; krtislam islam islamic muslim; new york n.y. ny; u.s. us united states; map; 11; douglas; ground zero; islamic center; manhattan; mosque; mosque map; park51; sept; treible; wa; world trade center site; 16001000; krtterrorism terrorism; krtwar war; WAR; 2010; krt2010; al qaedaal qaida al-qaeda attacks terrror krtterror krtterrorintl; neighborhood

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