Casey Wooley

Articles (5 total)

Economy not only important issue

The presidential debates are over, and we’re winding down the last few days before the election on Nov. 6. The candidates are crisscrossing the nation, hitting the very limited barrage of swing states that remain, seven now according to NBC News, and those of us here, enshrined in reality, are ready for it to be over with.

Criticism of political posts risky

Scouring through posts on Facebook is a common trend in today’s world. Depending on the news of the day, oftentimes themes quickly emerge that dominate others.

Radical social stances hinder Romney campaign

Though much of the current chatter around political circles is centered on the economy and President Barack Obama’s performance on fixing it, presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign has struggled to stay on message to hammer home the president’s performance in his first term.

Is it really all that wrong for the USA to apologize?

It seems that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney cannot get his act together. Prior to Romney’s latest blunder, where he cried out that he isn’t going to focus on the 47 percent of Americans who will probably not choose to vote for him, he levied a decent charge at the president during the crises happening in Libya and in Egypt last week.