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The Eastern Echo Friday, May 17, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

'Fair Sentencing Act' not all that fair


In Aug. 2010, President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010. While its name is misleading, it does help begin to reduce the disparities created out of the “War on Drugs.”

The Eastern Echo

Matt on Music: Top 10 of 2013


As far as the consensus goes, 2013’s album of the year seems to be a toss-up between Kanye West’s “Yeezus” and Vampire Weekend’s “Modern Vampires of the City.” A college dropout against a group of Ivy Leaguers.

The Eastern Echo

Kate's Craft Corner: Build an inspiration board


Winter isn’t the season most people get excited about. Snowy roads, going back to school (without the same fresh anticipation fall brings) and the end of the holidays can leave one feeling completely void of energy, unmotivated and very uncreative.

The Eastern Echo

There's no wrong way to make decisions in life, love


Those dang kids keep getting married younger and younger, I say. Actually, not really – according to the Pew Research Center, the average marrying age is 26.9 and 29.8, for women and men respectively. But “23 Things to do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You’re 23,” an article that has recently exploded across social media, would have you think otherwise.

The Eastern Echo

Editor explores idea of sustainability


“Sustainability means being able to balance the budget, providing basic services for public safety, transportation, and business development, and encouraging development of the local resources that are special to the community,” said Paul Schreiber, mayor of Ypsilanti. “In Ypsilanti’s case, this is historic architecture, Eastern Michigan University and the proximity to Ann Arbor.”

The Eastern Echo

Unions not doing enough to help pensioners


Upward social and economic mobility used to be a hallmark of America’s working classes. American workers pursuing these values typically came to the negotiating table in “good faith” when they bargained with capital for higher wages and benefits. But those clutching the purse have had little taste for such idealism – economic justice has never been America’s strong suit.

The Eastern Echo

Health class must step up its game


With the Centers for Disease Control reporting that in 2011 only 31 percent of high schoolers attended physical education class daily, it seems to be a pretty common sentiment that physical and health education classes are a poorly executed joke.

The Eastern Echo

Abortion bill socially destructive


Michigan lawmakers are quickly running out time to vote on a proposed bill that would limit abortion coverage in private health insurance plans. The bill would force insurance beneficiaries to purchase separate insurance if they would want abortion coverage.

The Eastern Echo

Actions must be taken to save fine arts


When one thinks of the fine arts, individuals such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and William Shakespeare come to mind as pioneers of such. The skill and innovation these artists sculpted within their respective time periods has paved the way to the arts we know of today. But in recent years, it’s become apparent that the youth – the very people we are raising to be “the next generation” are obtaining less and less knowledge of these innovators.

The Eastern Echo

Snyder must revive Detroit


On Dec. 8, Gov. Rick Snyder, Republican of the Great Lakes State, penned an opinion piece for the Detroit Free Press in which he outlined his administration’s involvement in the city of Detroit. The piece was also a rejoinder to an editorial by the Detroit Free Press which called into question his leadership and commitment to the city.

The Eastern Echo

Black Friday: Why not shop until you drop?


Are you not amazed at the Black Friday mobs of anxious, competitive, occasionally even violent shoppers rushing to crowd into the discount stores the day after Thanksgiving? It seems to me they’ve got more anger than cash, more vulnerability than good sense. Maybe we should take a closer look.

Outlawing activities can have consequences


On Dec. 5, 1933, 80 years ago, something spectacular happened that college students across the country continue to celebrate – the passing of the 21st Amendment. This repealed the 18th and ended Prohibition in the U.S.

Westboro Baptist Christians are the real deal


“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be out to death; blood shall be upon them.” This is the common passage thrown about by some within the Christian community to justify their stance against homosexuality and gay marriage in America.

Find your spot on the Medicine Wheel


At some point or another, most of us have longed for circumstances other than our own. Whether we admire someone’s wealth, status, education or relationship, the feeling of desire is the same.

The Eastern Echo

EMU needs students, students need money


Mayor Paul Schreiber of Ypsilanti has said the city needs to make the transition from a locale that relied on manufacturers to a college town. Many times over I have raised the question of whether or not the city has the money to make the transition. The debt from a real estate purchase that went badly has left the city unable to pay for capital improvements and public services like parks and recreation have been cut. But another important question is what it means to be a college town.

The Eastern Echo

Citizens need protection from police corruption


My column is simply an effort to improve three things in this world; truth, justice and equality. If a police officer can openly lie to a citizen, that is not truth. If a police officer has special protections that are unavailable to a civilian, that is not equality. If a police officer can fire 16 rounds into an unarmed man without consequence, that is not justice.

Julez DeShetler and Queso Tone catch up after a short hiatus due to illness and someones birthday. The pair talk about their semesters and the final big events of the year, the Eastern Echo Media Gala and Rock The Patio. The latter playing host to Eagletainment's very own Queso Tone as a musical performance, with the shows closing act Anthony Roperti a former guest of the show.