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The Eastern Echo Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Opinion: Top places to check out on campus

A list of four places on EMU's campus that you should check out in your time at Eastern!

Whether you’re an incoming freshman or a seasoned veteran at Eastern Michigan University, there are always new places to check out around campus that will make your experience special. There are stories for every building, like the supposedly haunted Starkweather Hall or the brand new science complex! Below are some of my favorite places to check out during your time at EMU, brought to you by a senior that has seen a thing or two.

1. The New Multimillion Dollar REC/IM Facility

One of my favorite spots on campus is the newly renovated REC/IM facility located by the old Snow Health Center and the Porter building. Chances are you’ll see the REC/IM when walking around Eastern, especially if you’re headed to the Student Center for a good bite to eat (more on that later). The Rec has come a long way since the start of it’s renovation in 2019, and features the Club Pool, basketball courts, fitness center, and much more. To get a membership, you must opt-in to the fee in your myEmich account!

If you’re looking to get some exercise or just looking to meet new people, the REC/IM also offers intramural programs for sports like soccer, basketball, and volleyball (among others). To sign up, just head inside and ask for information about intramural activities or look on the REC/IM website!

2. McKenny Hall

At first glance, McKenny Hall is a smaller building on the North end of campus that is nothing compared to the giant buildings around it. However, it features two pivotal places on campus; Chik-Fil-A and the University Advising and Career Development Center. Chik-Fil-A is a great place to fix your hunger pains, and can be paid for with flex dollars on your myEmich account! The wonderful smell is almost too much to pass on alone, but can provide another good option to eat if you’re getting tired of the Student Center and The Commons. 

The University Advising and Career Development Center is one of the best places to check out if you’re unsure of your major or what career you want to pursue. I personally have been helped a ton by them, like when they helped me tweak my resume to land an internship I wanted, and even held a mock interview for me! I urge you to explore McKenny Hall and utilize the opportunities presented to you.

3. The Student Center

If you were able to get a tour of EMU before your arrival this fall, I am sure you saw The Student Center. However, I couldn’t leave it out of this article due to the sheer amount of great opportunities it presents.

For one, there are many food options available. There is SmashBurger, Starbucks, Sono, Hasty Rabbit, and Build Pizza. All of these options take meal plan swipes or flex dollars, and provide in my opinion the best food on campus!

Secondly, there is the bookstore where you can acquire all of the books you might need for your courses. There is also an Amazon store, which is awesome because they can hold packages for you or even send them! They also sometimes hand out free drinks, so be sure to check their store out.

4. King Hall

Finally, I wanted to mention King Hall, which features the Eastern Echo offices! King Hall was once a residence hall at EMU, but now it is an office building and as said before, holds our beautiful student office. King Hall is on the north end of campus, next to Scherzer Hall and Ford Hall. If you’re interested in joining us at The Echo, come by and knock on the door! We would be happy to sit down with you and talk about your goals.