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The Eastern Echo Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Opinion: 10 reasons you should get a pet tortoise

An in-depth look as to why you should consider getting a pet tortoise.

Have you ever wanted a pet but were not sure what to get? Many consider dogs or cats at first, however, once you look into it more they are very expensive. You have to factor in food, baths, vet appointments, vaccinations, additional rent for your home, and more.

Guinea pigs need companions and constant love. They are also very vocal and needy, just like hamsters and rabbits. Fish are a viable choice, but you have to be careful about the water temperature and the type of water for the fish. In addition you have to have a filter.

Turtles are a better choice because they are decently quiet and cheap. They do have special needs and need a filter, so if time or cost is an issue, this option is out too. 

Luckily for you, I have a solution: a tortoise. Here are a few reasons as to why getting a pet tortoise is a great choice (from a tortoise owner):

1. They tend to be quiet and introverted. They like their space and alone time! This is perfect if you are a college student who is always busy. 

2. They do not need a filter. All they need is a UV light bulb, a high wattage bulb, a place to hide, food and water. This is significantly less compared to other pets.

3. You can give them your extra vegetables. I am not saying to give your tortoise the gross rotting vegetables but you can definitely share your fresh vegetables! This could help ensure that the food doesn’t go bad, and they can have fruit too. 

4. Believe it or not: they do have a personality. Some tortoises are more active than others. Some have major attitude problems, some even like cuddles. 

5. They do not need a lot of exercise or attention. 

6. They don’t shed, leaving fur all over your clean clothes.

7. Obviously since they don’t shed, they are hypoallergenic! No having to worry about allergies with these guys.

8. They are harmless, which is a great option for young kids!

9. The monthly expenses are relatively cheap. You need to have some vegetables for them, but not much because they do not eat a lot. You need to replace their bedding every 3-4 weeks. They need the light bulbs for 12 hours of their day and they need clean water every day.

10. They are beautiful creatures that can provide a ton of companionship.

While this article may have been different than your typical pet recommendation, I hope that I have sparked some interest for you when it comes to looking into getting a pet tortoise. It just might become your lifelong friend.