Dave Strenski, founder of Solar Ypsi, is holding a discussion at 7 p.m. Feb. 7 at the Ypsilanti Food Co-op.

Solar Ypsi is a project that installs solar panels in publicly-used places and private businesses to help build a more sustainable and energy-efficient community.

Currently, there are four panels installed around Ypsilanti at City Hall, the Riverstreet Bakery, the Ypsilanti Food Co-op and at an Ann Arbor Transit Authority bus stop on Cross street.

Stenski will discuss the history and future of Solar Ypsi and its impact on the Ypsilanti and Eastern Michigan University communities. He will also discuss plans to install a new solar array at Adams Elementary School.

For more information on Solar Ypsi, check out their website, http://www.solar.ypsi.com.

For more information on the event, check out the Ypsilanti Food Co-op’s Facebook page.