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The Eastern Echo Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Great Lakes in need of security


When we think of Michigan, many of us conjure up an image of a broken down, rust-belt economy, or a dysfunctional Detroit government or perhaps even the wonderfully evocative label “Militiagan.” But when I think of our state, I picture beautiful blue bodies of fresh water extending out to every horizon.

The Eastern Echo

Preserving the past for the future good

Hypocrisy is defined by the English Oxford Dictionary with a really long, boring definition that makes no sense, and would make you fall asleep if I repeated it.

The Eastern Echo

Palestinians miss opportunity


After 1,400 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli campaign last winter, an increasing number of Eastern Michigan University students began decorating their throats with the traditional checkered keffiyeh.

The Eastern Echo

EMU football deserves defending


You know, I find it interesting how some people criticize something they know nothing about. Last week, in a letter to the editor, some genius said Eastern Michigan University could do without a football program.

The Eastern Echo

Prophetic cult preys on campus


On Thursday, I was walking out of my Native American Literature class in Pray Harrold and I was appalled to see a poster with President Obama posing with Adolf Hitler’s mustache.

The Eastern Echo

Letter: EMU could do without football


Eastern Michigan University has about a $1.8 million yearly football budget. We have 99 men on the roster, yet only 40-50 will see any play time. This means we spend about $13,000 per player this year or $26,000 per player who will see play time this year. EMU has only won 22 games in the past seven years. This is an average of 2.75 wins a season, meaning it costs us about $645,000 per win.

The Eastern Echo

How to keep your ego in check with reality


Some would say the impossible happened on Aug. 5 of this year. Early on that blistering summer morning a wonderful thing took place on a runway in Los Angeles, California. Two American journalists (Euna Lee and Laura Ling) held captive in a North Korean prison camp for close to five months came home to America, courtesy of former President Clinton’s strategic diplomacy.

20071029 Jon Stewart

24-hour news cycle one cause of cable's factual unreliability

Television news as we know it has reached a new pinnacle of excellence. Jon Stewart has been recognized as the best modern journalist. The downside is, this means the news channels have reached the bottom of a long, slowly downward slope to being a laughingstock.

The Eastern Echo

Presidential advisers raise ethical concerns


When a new president takes office in the United States, I want that person to do well. It doesn’t matter if he/she is a Republican or Democrat, as long as the country benefits. This current administration, however, has me wondering what the agenda is.

The Eastern Echo

Live, online course options needed


These days, there are many different ways to get an education. There is the traditional method of sitting in a classroom, there are private teachers whom you can pay to teach a specific skill, and then there are online classes, which seem to be growing in popularity.

AbdurRahman Elder, a student working with Louie The Lightening Bug, goes in depth about children's electrical safety. Hosts Queso Tone (Antonio Byrd) and Matt McFarlin get insight into working with young children and providing an engaging and fun way of learning. Check out this week's episode of the Eastern Echo Podcast!