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The Eastern Echo Friday, May 3, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Republican non-career politicians are on the rise

There’s a reason why more people seem to be interested in this particular presidential election. I’ve said before that many college students are caring more about the future of their country and government, thanks to the enthusiasm of Bernie Sanders and the liberal views he takes on issues that interest our demographic. But what is also interesting is the rise of non-career politicians who could very well make it into the White House. While several candidates on both sides have long histories as governors, House or Senate members, both Donald Trump and Ben Carson have recently jumped into the political system, feet first.

To give us some perspective, the U.S. hasn’t elected a non-career politician since Dwight Eisenhower (held office 1953-1961). He had famously made a career in the military before, through and after WWII. While many criticized his being prepared for presidential office after such brief political education, his high leadership as general during the war gave him a background that spurred specific issues to be dealt with during the 1950s. The president was recorded during a news conference in March 1953 about his views on German civilians, whom he felt were victimized and should not be thought of as Nazi supporters collectively: “Our whole tradition is one here of being an asylum for the politically persecuted, and for supporting people that want to be free and rule their own destinies. That is our record.” (The American Presidency Project).

Similarly, we see that both Trump and Carson glean from their past careers to better the vision they have for our country—and their new approaches are catching people’s eyes. Trump is very vocal about identifying as a businessman and Carson, being a high esteemed pediatric surgeon, gives him special interest in the education system and pro-life efforts.

Not only are these two men worthy candidates in the eyes of the American people, but they have recently been tied together at the front of the running for the Republican spot. So what’s happening with America?

Sanders is often heard in speeches—and on Twitter—calling attention to the need of political revolution. And no matter which side of the fence you stand on, something is definitely shifting. Even Republicans are tired of the same old, same old. Even with his well known name, I don’t think that Jeb Bush is anywhere close to the presidency. I believe that the people in this country are ready to try something new, even if it doesn’t work. Many have little political faith in a surgeon and perhaps even less in a loud-mouthed businessman. But the reason these two men are thriving in their political party is that they are a chance to give a voice to Americans who have no affiliation with government. Despite both of their wealth now, they have a better understanding of how our country works in non-political ways that will shed light on policies completely different than it would with a president who has been involved in the system for years upon years.