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The Eastern Echo Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Full-time lecturers union reaches tentative two-year contract agreement with EMU

Eastern Michigan University and the Eastern Michigan University Federation of Teachers reached a tentative agreement on a new two-year contract Wednesday, Sep. 7.

The two-year contract affects nearly 90 full-time lecturers who are represented by the EMUFT. The minimum base salary from the last contract will be raised to $34,000 and a 2.5 percent base salary increase will be effective every year in the two-year contract.

President of the EMUFT Lisa Laverty said, "EMUFT is recommending ratification. The contract negotiations were difficult and there are some things that we have concerns about. But on balance we are recommending ratification."

Spouses who are 100 percent removed from EMU's health plan and Additional Eligible Adults (AEAs) will no longer be covered as a primary if they obtain coverage through their own employer, with a one-time offset paid to employees affected by this change.

Similar coverage for health care premiums will be paid the same as other bargained-for groups at EMU. Laverty said, "We are pleased to have gained access to disability insurance."

EMUFT will schedule a ratification vote this month to approve the contract. If the contract is approved, the EMU Board of Regents will then vote on the agreement.

Rhonda Longworth, interim provost and executive vice president at EMU, said in a statement, “We have great respect and appreciation for our full-time lecturers and the work they do in the classroom on behalf of Eastern students. We look forward to continued positive collaboration with all of our full-time lecturers in the years ahead.”