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The Eastern Echo Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Advice: How to save money on textbooks

Where to find cheap textbooks.

With school starting again soon, searching for affordable textbooks will also begin. If you're a student with a full schedule, it's not always an inexpensive shopping experience. The good news is that textbooks for college can be purchased on a budget.

First, waiting to make sure that your professor requires a textbook once class starts is always smart. Sometimes, teachers provide chapters of the text on Canvas for students or end up barely using a book that Eastern Michigan University’s website said a student needed. Always check wtih your professor before spending hundreds on textbooks for class.

For the textbooks you do need, buying used is always a great idea. A used textbook is a cheaper, pre-highlighted, environmentally friendly alternative. The purchase of pre-owned textbooks reduces the number of trees cut around the world, making it more environmentally friendly. In addition, it allows students to read marginal notes or highlighted segments from previous owners, which can be helpful during study sessions. Also, if you have friends who are in the same major as you, they could also lend you their old textbooks.

Another way to save hundreds of dollars is by looking for electronic copies of the textbook. There are times when students can find PDF copies for free. By typing your textbook's name or International Standard Book Number (ISBN) into your search engine, you might be able to download a free copy, but make sure that the download link isn't harmful. Borrowing textbooks from a public library is another way to get the books for free.

Last but not least, buying or renting textbooks from online sites is also a great money-saving option. Some online sites are Chegg, Campus book rentals, and Amazon. Usually, these sites offer students the opportunity to buy or rent used or new textbooks for much cheaper prices. In some cases, used textbooks can look exactly like new ones for a fraction of the cost.

There are several ways to obtain cheaper textbooks and students should utilize their resources to save money.