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The Eastern Echo Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Advice: Drive carefully in winter

Basic tips to avoid the dangers of driving in winter

As Michigan people, we know how nasty the weather can get in winter. It is either snowing hard or raining, but when that rain turns to ice on roads, it makes driving another big concern of ours. Especially for commuters driving back and forth from Eastern Michigan University, it can become a nightmare if you don't drive carefully. 

One good piece of advice for everyone is to slow down when there is snow on the road. It's harder to control or stop your vehicle on a slick or snow-covered surface when you are driving fast. So, you might want to try hitting the road earlier so you can take your time driving to class. Never drive in a hurry when there is snow on the road. Your life is more important than that class you are trying to make it to. 

Another important thing to do is to increase your following distance. Never trust the breaks in your car because the road might be slippery, so try giving yourself plenty of time and space to stop the car even if the car breaks fail.

In fact, in 2019, there were an estimated 182,000 police-reported crashes that occurred in wintry conditions. Driving in normal conditions is way different than driving on snow, so never get too close to a car in front of you to avoid any potential damage to both cars. 

Also, as the outside temperature drops so does tire inflation pressure. Double-check that each tire is filled to the vehicle's recommended inflation pressure, which can be found in your owner's manual or on a label located on the driver's-side door frame. Do not inflate your tires to the pressure listed on the tire itself. 

Due to slushy winter conditions, you might consider switching out your usual floor mats for thicker material or rubbery ones. Improperly installed floor mats in your vehicle could interfere with the operation of the accelerator or brake pedal, increasing the risk of a crash. 

To sum up, driving in the snow might take double the time it takes to drive in normal conditions, so be ready for that and slow down.