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The Eastern Echo Monday, June 17, 2024 | Print Archive
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The Eastern Echo

News Briefs


Using Credit Seminar Eastern Michigan University’s Professional Programs and Training will present a seminar on how to use credit carefully on Thursday, March 20, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in room 301 at the Student Center. The seminar is free and LBC approved. For more information, go to RSVP to Elena O’Connor at

The Eastern Echo

Police Blotter


March 6 Officers determined a student filed a false rape report with the police department in an attempt at retribution with a former partner at 8:06 a.m. The matter has been forwarded to the county prosecutor’s office and the student may also face disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.

The Eastern Echo

The Water Street Development Project is a disappoinment


It’s already been written that the city of Ypsilanti will not declare bankruptcy, at least not in the foreseeable future. That does not mean there are not lessons to be learned from other localities that have sunk into insolvency.

The Eastern Echo

AXiD to host ‘Fuzzie Football’


At the end of this month, Alpha Xi Delta sorority will be hosting Fuzzie Football, their 13th annual flag football tournament. The event is held in honor of a sorority sister who was killed by a reckless driver.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs


Increasing Intolerance on American Campuses Speaker— Cary Nelson, jubilee professor of liberal arts and sciences at the University of Illinois, will present a lecture titled “Bait and Switch: The Purpose of the Movement to Boycott Israel” on Monday, March 24 at 7 p.m.

EMU Honors College Star Lecture Series concludes


Eastern Michigan University’s Star Lecture series concluded Tuesday night with “Manifestations of Poverty: Who Cares? The Cultural Politics of Indifference” presented by the director of EMU’s school of social work, Lynn Nybell. Her lecture highlighted the increasing trend towards neo-liberalism in the United States and its effects on American culture and its economy.

Panel held on sex & labor trafficking in Michigan


A panel consisting of Michigan’s first female Chief Deputy Attorney General Carol Isaacs, Assistant Attorney General Kelly Carter and Attorney General Crime Victims’ Advocate John Lazet discussed the issue of human trafficking in the state of Michigan. Eastern Michigan University students, faculty and members of the Ypsilanti community joined the conversation in the Student Center Tuesday morning as part of the Women’s History Month series of events at EMU.

Power outage affects area just off campus


Roughly 1,149 people near Eastern Michigan University’s campus were without power for about five hours Monday when a substation issue forced a power outage between Pearl and Congress streets, according to DTE Energy.

The Eastern Echo

Food Scoop: Potato Leek Soup


This is what late morning on a Saturday looks like: I’m standing in my kitchen with the radio tuned to “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me,” which NPR bills as an, “oddly informative quiz show.” My hair is a tangled mess, and there’s a mostly-empty cup of hot chocolate getting chilly at my elbow. I’m peeling potatoes, half-listening to Peter Segal’s voice on the radio and thinking ahead to the potato leek soup I’m having for lunch.

The Eastern Echo

Ypsilanti Art Incubator hosts PechaKucha


The Ypsilanti Art Incubator of 76 Huron Street held a PechaKucha Friday, as it does the first Friday of every month. PechaKucha is a Japanese phrase meaning “chit-chat.” Developed by a Tokyo-based architecture firm in the 1960s, it’s a rapid-fire format for giving talks in public that are entertaining and efficient. Being adaptable to almost every format, the Ypsilanti Art Incubator decided to use it to have five artists from the Ypsilanti area, most of whom are current or former Eastern Michigan University art majors, present and talk about their art.

The Eastern Echo

Police Blotter


Feb. 21 Police were called to Westview Apartments at 12:54 a.m. for a noise complaint. After being issued a verbal warning, the offending parties quieted down and no citations were issued.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs


Lecture, book signing with Betty Brown-Chappell— There will be a lecture and book signing on Wednesday, March 12 from 6-7:30 p.m. with speaker Betty Brown-Chappell The presentation is titled, “Open Secrets: A Poor Person’s Life in Higher Education.” The event will take place in room 306 of Pray-Harrold.

The EMU women's swim and dive team finished fourth at the MAC Championships last weekend in Geneva, Ohio.

Women’s swim finishes 4th at MAC tourney


The women’s swimming team of Eastern Michigan University took home a fourth place finish in the Mid-American Conference Championship meet after three days of competition at the SPIRE Institute in Geneva, Ohio, Saturday.

The Eastern Echo

International Student Association to present Colors in Harmony


Colors in Harmony began in 1999 as a way for students to showcase their talents and culture through performances and a fashion show. Performances, which will include traditional dances, fashion and music, will be as diverse and rich with culture as the students are. This event is a way to learn about the backgrounds and cultures of students that make EMU’s campus unique.


Ukraine on the brink of war


Ukraine appears to be on the brink of war this week. With the ousting of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych, after months of violent protests, a new crisis has enveloped this former soviet republic. The protest started last November when Yanukovych suddenly ended talks to join the European Union in favor of a sudden treaty tying the country closer to Russia.

The Eastern Echo

MESA braves cold to raise Syrian civil war awareness


The Middle Eastern Student Association at Eastern Michigan University braved the cold temperatures Tuesday afternoon to raise student awareness about the Syrian civil war and display the daily suffering the eight million displaced Syrian refugees experience as result of the violence and political unrest that continues to plague their country. MESA members set up a model Syrian refugee tent outside the Student Center to show passing students exactly how these refugees are living.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs


Phonathon for EMU Foundation— Eastern Michigan University students are urged to sign up for the phonathon this spring. The funds that will be offered through callers of the phonathon are to support EMU.

Julez DeShetler and Queso Tone catch up after a short hiatus due to illness and someones birthday. The pair talk about their semesters and the final big events of the year, the Eastern Echo Media Gala and Rock The Patio. The latter playing host to Eagletainment's very own Queso Tone as a musical performance, with the shows closing act Anthony Roperti a former guest of the show.