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The Eastern Echo Monday, May 6, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


A squabbling House still does something

The House of Representatives passed the health care bill by a vote of 221-210 March 21. President Obama signed the bill into law Tuesday. Talk of lawsuits to fight the bill based on it being unconstitutional is all ready underway.

Personally I think the idea of forced health care is overreaching the government’s authority, but that’s not the point today. The point today is the Democrats did something. It took them a year of squabbling, in-fighting, negotiation, compromise, dealing and I’m sure at least one of them sold their soul to some religions version of the devil, but they accomplished something.

The Democrats proved when they truly believe in something, despite what their constituents may think, they will work tirelessly to prove they accomplished something while in office. They have shown that no amount of effort will cease their desire to prove they accomplished something historic.

The Republicans proved something, too. They proved that even as a minority, they are and shall remain a force to be reckoned with, unified against opposition no matter the costs, as long as they can say they resisted the Socialist change of the Democrats, their day was a good day.

Both parties also deserve special credit for proving something else: the need for a viable third party. In a party system of two extremes, a central force is needed. Whether the Libertarians to make the Republicans look moderate, or the Modern Whigs to be moderates, the time has come for a force of compromise and careful deliberation, and who better than a party with a small group of swing members?

Congress has spent a year trying to pass this bill. Well, a bill, anyway. The one they passed is pretty different from the one Democrats had in mind last year. They probably weren’t expecting all the lawsuits challenging its constitutionality, either. In any case, they powered through and in a very close vote, they proved that this bill is as controversial now as it was a year ago, if not more so.

The two parties worked together and apart to bring us this bill, and now they can smile and take pride in doing what they think is best for the people regardless of what the people say. Congress stood up and said that they will force all American citizens to purchase health care, unless it costs more than eight percent of your income, then you’re off the hook, whether they want it or not. That’s actually the part being claimed as unconstitutional, and to me it’s the worst part of the bill.

I can see in the coming months a Supreme Court vote of 5-4 that states the bill is unconstitutional and thus void. If that happens, I encourage everyone to tune into C-SPAN the next day with a bowl of popcorn, as Speaker Pelosi stands up and says “we have to start over from scratch, and no mandatory health care.” The reaction by Congress will be priceless and highly entertaining.