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The Eastern Echo Sunday, May 5, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

EMU Winter Wonder Week dance a ball

The stress brought on by the beginning of a semester can be overwhelming. It’s important to have a way to unwind while adjusting to new classes. Held in the Student Center Ballroom on Wednesday at 8 p.m., Winterball offered just that. This dance was the third event in Winter Wonder Week, after Winterpalooza on Monday and Winterfest on Tuesday.

Director of Student Relations Dinah Nasari, who organized the event, said of Winterball, “I hope students relax and have a good time before classes get really hard.”

Once the doors opened and everyone went inside, they were treated to free food, ice water and lemonade while waiting for the disc jockey to show up.

As attendees waited, two students, freshmen Jake Dishman and Richie Slater, brought in their instruments and played a few songs. It was their first time performing as a band and Dishman was happy with the result.

“We got applause,” Dishman said. “It was our first time performing in front of actual people, so I think applause is good.”

The DJ then arrived and set up. When the music finally started, the whole room ran to the dance floor.

Clarneisha Burnside, a freshman, heard about the event from an advertisement. Although she wasn’t dancing because she didn’t have on the proper attire, she still enjoyed the free food and music.

Nasari was pleased with how Winterball turned out.,

“It started kind of rocky, but a lot of people came out and they’re all excited,” Nasari said.

Events like Winterball are very necessary at the beginning of a semester, when everybody is stressing out over their new classes. The dance allowed many students to loosen up during these stressful first couple weeks. Now, it’s back to class.