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The Eastern Echo Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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Org Spotlight: Amplifying the Arts!

Amplifying the Arts, or AMP, gives students the chance to hone in on their creativity and freedom to express themselves through artistic expression. 

The Oxford Dictionary defines art as “the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing, or sculpture.” Eastern Michigan University’s organization; Amplifying the Arts, or AMP, gives students the chance to hone in on their creativity and freedom to express themselves through artistic expression. 

“AMP creates platforms for Eastern students to perform or sell or share and show their artwork,” Caroline Mull, president of Amplifying the Arts, said. 

Whether members are visual artists, performing artists, or writers, everyone gets the opportunity to build upon a platform that specifically focuses on their type of art. 

AMP was founded roughly 16 years ago, and with every new school year, there is a new executive board planning new events where artists can show off their art. Some events include guest speakers who come from all different professional art backgrounds. Such as Broadway stars, professional copywriters, and more. The members get to ask the professionals questions about their day to day lives, and how they got involved with their chosen career. But no matter how many aspects have changed over the years, AMP has two annual events that have become a staple part of the organization’s history. 

“One is called Java Jam, which is a coffeehouse vibe [and] open-mic [style], for acoustic performances. That’s more bringing out the singers and vocalists or the guitarists,” Mull said. “We also have Hand Made, which is a craft fair. [Where] EMU students who make jewelry or crochet, they can sign up to get a table and sell their artwork.” 

Although Java Jam and Hand Made are both events where members who wish to participate are required to sign up, beforehand. AMP holds many events where students can stop by and create art just for the fun of it, regardless of artistic skill. 

One inclusive factor about AMP is that students do not need to be taking any art classes or majoring in any art related fields, in order to join. AMP prides itself on being welcoming to all students. 

“We’re all about just letting people have an outlet to express themselves and to relax and have fun,” Mull said. “And really explore their artistic side of who they are, who they want to be.” 

One thing AMP prides itself on is that it serves as a stepping stone members take in order to connect to the professional level of their artistic skill. As well as just being able to have fun with their art!

 Mull was drawn to the organization with the interest in being a part of the behind-the-scenes aspect the org provides. She had previously been involved in theater and being up front on stage throughout her life. When she decided on her major of Arts and Entertainment management, she knew that she wanted to explore the administrative side of art; the behind-the-scenes.

“I want to put the creative people up on stage, who deserve that credit and be applauded and shown off,” Mull said. “Because they deserve it.”

Mull expresses that art itself is a very subjective word and that there are many definitions as to what an artist is. AMP provides members with experience in all different fields of art, helping them to gain unique aspects of the world around them. 

“One piece of art could mean 20 different things to 20 different people…I think that’s beautiful and what makes us human and bonds us all together,” Mull said.