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The Eastern Echo Sunday, May 19, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Plenty of ways to give back


‘Tis the season to be giving. Regardless of any religious or holiday affiliation, the dark days at the end of December are the perfect time to try giving back to your community. Throughout the Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor areas, there are many places and opportunities where your help is wanted and needed.

The Eastern Echo

As Christmas nears, local businesses host shopping event


With Christmas steadily approaching, which I know many people on campus are looking forward to, it’s still crunch time for many to get more shopping in. For the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Regional Chamber, their motive to keep people in the spirit to take that needed trip to the mall was simply the beloved D word: discount.

Festival of lights


With the bombardment of Christmas commercials, Christmas songs, Christmas TV specials and Christmas movies this month, it’s easy to forget that many, many people in America do not actually celebrate the holiday. In fact, there are millions of people celebrating very different religious holidays this month, one of which is happening this week—the eight-day Jewish holiday, Hanukkah.

The Eastern Echo

Student choirs perform Christmas show


Radio station WNIC 100.3 has been playing Christmas music since early November, but Eastern Michigan University’s Chamber Choir and University Choir the joined together to share and sing Christmas songs for students to enjoy at the Light and Life concert.

The Eastern Echo

EMU After Dark hosts cramming session


Staying up all night to study is not a simple endeavor. If you attempt to pull an all-nighter in your bedroom, chances are your drowsy mind will escort you to your bed sooner or later. You’ll be fast asleep before you can finish the homework assignment that’s been weighing you down for the past week.

Pease set ablaze


I’m a typical ex-band geek from high school. I’m not versed in every well-known piece from the Baroque period, but I know some major works of major composers. Unfortunately for Igor Stravinsky enthusiasts, I knew nothing about his works except for “The Nutcracker.” But, Eastern Michigan University’s Department of Music and Dance changed all of that.

Concert helps fund ASB


Alternative Spring Breaks held a benefit concert, at the Bona Sera Café in Ypsilanti Monday, to help fund present and future Alternative Spring Breaks community service trips.

Review: ‘White as Snow’ eerie, mysterious


The tale of a girl with skin white as snow, lips the color of blood and hair as black as night is captivating and legendary. She had a heart of pure gold amongst the shadows of evil and greed that threatened to end her life.

The Eastern Echo

I Am P.I.N.K. expands girls mentoring to Ypsilanti


Are you a woman looking to get more involved in your community in a meaningful way? Now is the time, as the girl power organization from Detroit, called I Am P.I.N.K., has recently established an Eastern Michigan University chapter. The nonprofit organization targets sixth to twelfth grade girls from inner city areas who could benefit from guidance and mentorship of an older and more established woman.

Editors participate in Hijab Day


It appeared as if the Eastern Michigan University’s Student Center was welcoming an influx of new female Muslim students Tuesday night, each with their own brightly colored headscarf, or hijab.

The Gregory Brothers to ‘Songify’ at EMU


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo husband ‘cause the Gregory Brothers are coming to Eastern Michigan University. The musical group behind the YouTube sensation “Auto-Tune the News” will give a free presentation at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Student Center Grand Ballroom.

The Eastern Echo

Black Friday shopping tips, tricks for success


The holidays are here and people are filled with cheer. Family will be coming together over Thanksgiving dinner to joke about the past year and rejoice the year to come. After you pass out because your stomach feels like an expanding balloon, don’t forget that you’ll have to get right back up for Black Friday door busters.

Students celebrate diversity at fall feast


Continuing the celebration of Native American Heritage Month, students were welcomed to a dinner with engaging conversation and entertainment for the annual Fall Feast held Nov. 5 at the Eastern Michigan University Student Center.

Julez DeShetler and Queso Tone catch up after a short hiatus due to illness and someones birthday. The pair talk about their semesters and the final big events of the year, the Eastern Echo Media Gala and Rock The Patio. The latter playing host to Eagletainment's very own Queso Tone as a musical performance, with the shows closing act Anthony Roperti a former guest of the show.